About Us

Unrivalled Taste & Quality

Our Identity

Preserving our origin in every drop of wine & Arak

At Striped Hyena, we hope to rekindle patriotism in the heart of the Lebanese by proactively supporting our community through the creation of jobs and the acquisition of 100% Lebanese components for our alcohol. We are tirelessly working with our local farmers on agricultural projects of tremendous scale to deliver home-grown crops of unrivaled quality, thus boosting the agricultural sector while also ensuring that nothing less than perfect enters our distillery. Our products are the embodiment of our unyielding love for this country, and it’s only fair to introduce the world to proper Lebanese alcohol sooner or later; in essence, our products will be redefining the Lebanese spirit one bottle at a time. These products are meant to be enjoyed in an artisanal manner by alcohol connoisseurs near and far, consequently spreading the passion behind Lebanese heritage.

Affinity, empathy and care for Lebanon’s national animal gave birth to Striped Hyena artisanal distillery. We pride ourselves on being able to call this misunderstood national treasure’s natural habitat our home, with our distillery being boldly located in the sunny fields of the majestic village of Beit Lahia on the slopes of Mount Hermon. The distillery bears the name Striped Hyena in order to raise awareness against hunting this highly-endangered species; therein lies an undying flame of hope that every time someone gets acquainted with this brand, they will remember what it stands for and help protect Lebanon’s identity.

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More about us

From grape to arak & wine, our history is flavor & tradition

Vine Fields

In the earth's embrace, the maiden vines take root

The beginning

In the alchemy of creation, the maiden Arak bottle is born

Exporting abroad

Our first bottle sails, to grace the world

Factory inauguration

We unlocked the doors to our distillery's domain

Project Wine

We found our call, To craft the nectar of the gods

Growth these days

We birthed to the world our first ruby wine